Why Using Internet Cleaning Tips Is Not Always A Good Idea

You can find everything on the Internet these days. From dating advice to academic courses, cooking recipes and viral videos – it is all there for the taking. And since it is online, it must be true! I cannot understand how people can be so gullible, even when the tips they read online contradict common sense. Let me give you an example.

A few months ago, I received a call from a woman living near Cleveland Square in the posh part of Paddington. She sounded legitimately upset, saying she needed urgent help with her living room carpet. I guess it was her lucky day – I had only one appointment in the late afternoon, so I could easily fit her around noon. No matter how serious the problem, I believed I could clean a single carpet in under two hours.

My phone bleeped again. I had asked my customer to take a picture of the damage and send it to me. Gosh, what had she done?! I could see a nice clean white carpet with a large yellow-brownish stain, looking suspiciously fresh. It could be coffee or black tea, but then why the panic? It was a straightforward stain removal that would take fifteen minutes tops. Anyway, there was no point in speculating before I could see it. So I loaded my stain-removal equipment in one of the company vans and headed for the address.

Carpet stain removal procedure near Cleveland Square in W2, London

I parked in front of a beautiful white terraced house resembling the setting of E.M. Forster novel. Seconds after ringing the doorbell, a tiny blonde woman in her early thirties opened the front door. “Hi, I am Patricia, but you can call me Pat. You must be James, we spoke on the phone. Come on it!” The interior of the house looked even more impressive and glitzy. It exuded wealth without a vulgar display, but you could sense the undertones of class and hereditary money in the air. Don’t get me wrong, I am not one of these judgemental lefties who go berserk at generational wealth. Besides, Pat looked like the sweetest lady in the world.

I took off my shoes, and she led me to her living room. You could hardly miss the ugly stain in the middle of the carpet, close to the coffee table set. My initial assumption had been correct – it definitely looked like a fresh stain, although something was not quite right.

“Do you want to tell me how you ended up with this mess on the carpet?

Pat shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “You might think this is a new stain. It actually is not. I have the awful habit of leaving my teacup on the coffee table, and a few days ago, I knocked it off. I did my best to soak the tea, but the stain remained. So I decided to search online for stain removal tips…”

“Oh, no!” I thought. I must have rolled my eyes because Pat became defensive. “I know how this must sound to a professional cleaner. But I thought calling for something so negligible would be too much trouble. I honestly believed I could deal with it myself.”

It turned out she had picked the wrong cleaning tip. Pat had mixed baking soda with peppermint essential oil and scrubbed it into the stain. The baking soda part was harmless, even helpful – it is a decent non-detergent cleaning alternative. The problem was that she had put too much essential oil in the mixture, which had become more creamy than it was supposed to be. Besides, you can use the mix for carpet maintenance – after you do the vacuum cleaning, for example. But it most certainly is not a good option for stain removal, especially in the case of old, already embedded stains.

“OK, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?” I asked after I had listened patiently.

“Give me the bad news first”, she said dejectedly.

“You have wasted so much time, energy, and nerves on something I could have solved in probably fifteen minutes.”

“So what’s the good news?”

“You’ve done nothing irreversible. The baking soda, as you probably know, is harmless. The essential oil should come off quickly, too, along with the stain residue. I think your carpet should look like brand new within thirty minutes!”

I always love and appreciate the sense of relief I bring to my customers, especially good-natured people like Pat. I rolled up my sleeves and got to business. First, I sprayed the stain with detergent and used a soft-hair brush to treat the spot. I had taken my manual steam washer, which was perfect for the job. I didn’t have to clean the whole carpet, so employing the big hot water extraction machine made no sense. After giving the carpet fifteen minutes to dry, I sprayed the area with stain-removing foam and repeated the procedure.

The stain was gone for good! Pat had observed the whole procedure, and I could see how her expression changed from worry to wonder as the process unfolded. “Wow, you did a fantastic job, ” she exclaimed, clapping her hands. “I will know better in the future to call an expert and not trust the Internet.”

“Please do”, I pleaded jokingly as I gave her my business card. All is well when it ends well, even if it includes cleaning tips on the Internet.

Steam Carpet Cleaning

Carpets provide a feeling of warmth and comfort, which no other floor covering can reproduce. But there is a drawback – they get dirty relatively quickly. Not only that, but it is also tough to clean effectively. To keep the quality of your carpet and prolong its life, you need to clean it carefully. In addition, you must follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.  

If you stay vigilant, clean as soon as dirt appears, and vacuum every day, you should be able to keep your carpet looking relatively good. You should not face too many problems if you have the best carpet vacuum cleaner.  

But even with constant cleaning and various preventive methods, every carpet needs deep cleaning from time to time. Odours, bacteria and stubborn stains can be buried deep in the carpet’s fibres, and only the most modern cleaning methods can eliminate them.  

Here comes the steam. Steam is ideal for carpets, as it can often give results without relying on corrosive cleaning chemicals. The superheated steam directs precisely where it is needed. And the latest steam cleaners use the optimal amount of water, ensuring that your carpet is not completely soaked afterwards.  

Why do more people steam their carpets?  

For years, carpet cleaning has been a specialised job that requires modern equipment and a scope of substances. Certain people hired the necessary equipment, while others paid the experts to accomplish the work. Now, however, most people steam their carpets on their own.  

Modern steam technology has led to a new range of home steam cleaners. People can now buy steam cleaners for about the same price as a vacuum cleaners. Even the latest steam mops can be adapted with accessories on carpets. After the initial costs for the cleaner, there is nothing else to pay. Unless you have a serious problem with your carpet, you don’t need any chemicals or specialised cleaners.  

Here are some tips for steam cleaning your carpet:  

Start carefully  

Each steam cleaner on the market supplies its combination of water and energy. Be careful when starting the process of cleaning the most delicate setting possible. If that doesn’t work, go to the next setting.  

Do not use detergents or shampoos  

If the stains on your carpet are persistent, it may be best to leave the cleaning to professionals. They will use special agents that will not damage the fibrеs. You don’t need anything but steam.  

Make sure you have the best vacuum cleaner for your carpet and choose a steam cleaner that works for your home. With some care, preventive maintenance and regular steam cleaning, your carpets should retain their quality for many years.  


Your dirty carpets need a good cleaning, but did you know that regular steam cleaning has other benefits besides clean carpets?  

Protect your family and carpet with professional steam carpet cleaning, which will:  

  • remove captured contaminants  
  • clear the infestations of dust mites  
  • help prevent the growth of mould  
  • prolong the life of the carpet.  

Powerful carpet steam cleaners and safe, effective and environmentally friendly cleaners remove stains, sand and dirt and remove hidden contaminants and allergens.  

# 1 – Steam carpet cleaning removes contaminants  

Dirty carpet contains contaminants from many sources:  

Dandruff of pets, allergens from cockroaches and dead bugs, etc.  

Carpets can absorb and release volatile organic compounds from paint, cigarette smoke and other sources.  

Significant amounts of pollutants can be released into the air in your home only with regular daily activities. In addition, young children who play on the carpet are much more endangered to contact contaminants.  

To ensure longer life, maintain the appearance and protect indoor air quality, carpets require regular cleaning with a well-functioning vacuum cleaner equipped with high suction, a highly efficient filter bag and periodic wet cleaning.  

# 2 – Steam carpet cleaning removes dust mites  

They are in all our homes – microscopic dust mites. Upholstered furniture, carpet, mattresses, bed linen, curtains and soft fabric toys live there. They spread in a humid and warm environment like ours. Feeding on human skin scales, pollen, fungi, bacteria and animal dandruff.  

Dust mite proteins and their waste products are known as allergens. Regular activity releases microscopic particles – inhale them – and worsens our allergies.  

To minimise dust mites in your carpets – first think about prevention. Regular, thorough vacuuming with a reliable filter is a good start. This particular filter captures dust mites and dandruff that they feed on while vacuuming.  

They cannot withstand the high temperatures of such proven carpet cleaning methods as steam cleaning.  

# 3 – Steam carpet cleaning helps prevent mould  

Moulds create allergens that can cause allergic reactions; carpets are at high risk of mould growth. Mould needs moisture, oxygen, dust and a surface to grow.  

Keeping your carpet dry is the key to preventing mould.  

When it rains and snows, keeping track of the moisture on your carpet is easy. Using doormats and removing shoes is a good policy. When wet, soaking, drying and vacuuming will help prevent mould.  

When stagnant water appears due to a leak or spill – all affected carpets should be cleaned and dried immediately. That includes the top and bottom, the lining and the floor below.  

Many companies have machines and fans needed to extract water and clean and dry your carpets.  

# 4 – Steam carpet cleaning prolongs the life of the carpet  

Today’s high-performance carpets are rarely “worn out”. Instead, your carpet slowly loses its original beauty and impact due to dirt and traffic.  

To preserve your carpet’s original shine and beauty, clean deeply every year. This frequency may be tailored depending on the following:  

  • the lifestyle of your household;  
  • vacuum frequency;  
  • light or dark carpet.  

It is essential to clean your carpet deeply BEFORE it gets too dirty. Dirt grinds into the fibres of the carpet, shortening its life. And as it is pushed deeper and deeper into the carpet by pedestrian traffic, your carpets are becoming harder and more expensive to clean.  

Professionals use steam extraction to deep-clean carpets. They spray safe, biodegradable cleaners on your carpet and remove dirt and solution with a powerful truck-mounted vacuum. Their equipment and professional-grade cleaners are much more powerful than the products available for rent and purchased from the store.  

# 5 – Renovate and restore  

Walking barefoot on a soft, freshly cleaned carpet is a great feeling. Stylish, luxurious and comfortable – your decor immediately improves.  

Your home smells new and clean – prepared to enjoy.  

Partake in the genuine serenity from realising that you have done whatever it takes to shield your family from any health perils hiding on your carpets.  

Immediately make your guests feel comfortable at home with a clean and fresh carpet.